The Juggernaut Way: Chapter 7     

2002 - 2003


The Juggernauts took Second Place at the Pontiac Tournament.

At the Rochester Tournament, we earned a Judges Award and took Third Place.

At County Championships, we won the SMC Pneumatics Award and were a finalist.


Marsha Voncina becomes Lead Instructor.

Karla King is Lead Engineer with Ravi Shankar as DaimlerChrysler mentors.
The after school, Competitive Engineering Class is run for the 6th year and used as the bonding tool to forge this new partnership between students, instructors, administrators and engineers.
Team #1 starts promoting Lego League through presentations at elementary and middle schools and distributing Lego Mind Storm Kits financed by DaimlerChrysler’s Educational Foundation.
Japanese educators tour the Engineering Manufacturing Technology Department. The Juggernauts take the opportunity to introduce them to our FIRST program.
Our school and sponsor got together and did a radio interview with Crazy Al of WPON promoting our partnership and FIRST.
Juggernauts did a series of road shows promoting FIRST.

We competed at the Great lakes Regional.

We competed at the Pittsburgh Regional.

Juggernauts competed at the FIRST Championship in Texas.  Veronica Clinton won a $25,000 Scholarship to Kettering University and began attending their engineering school the following year.
The MTA at OSTCNE is awarded the 2003 STAR Award by SBC Ameritech for innovative use of technology in education in the Kennedy Project.
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