The job of the Curriculum Subcommittee was to develop curriculum to assist mentors and coaches with the utilization of kit components.  The efforts of the two who wrote the “How-to” manuals can be seen in the appendices.  Appendix N has the explanation of what is in the kit and how each of the key electrical or mechanical parts works.  Appendix O gives some general guidelines for building robots and a resource to utilize during the design and fabrication process.  The 2001 revision of these manuals included photos of the components as well as several steps in the build process of a typical robot.  These will be added to the end of this document in Appendix R.

This subcommittee also arranged for the mentorship of all teams needing assistance of a technical nature.  Booths were set up at the Kick-off event where veteran robot-builders demonstrated kit components to people who were new to robotics.  Four times during the pre-season, workshops were held where important steps in the building processes were explained or done as a group under the watchful eye of “experts”.  At the sessions, engineers from , GM, SMC Pneumatics and DaimlerChrysler showed teams both the theory and the practical techniques of robotic design and construction.